The weather is extremely mild at present, so farmers should keep a close eye on housed cattle for early signs of pneumonia.

In particular, keep a close eye on calves which were recently housed and weaned, or purchased weanlings just home from the mart.

These animals will be under stress, which suppresses the immune system and makes animals more susceptible to respiratory problems.


In mild conditions, airflow in sheds is crucial. Leave doors open at all times. If necessary, removing a few sheets of tin, or space boards, will improve airflow when sheds are fully stocked.

Clipping cattle is highly recommended to prevent animals from sweating. Clip the back, neck and head of animals.


I have heard quite a few reports from farmers of cattle coughing. If housed cattle have not been wormed or fluked yet, then try and fit this task in over the coming days.

Controlling internal parasites will make a big difference to animal health during such mild conditions, as well as increasing daily liveweight gain.

Remember that cattle will continue to cough for a short period after dosing, as animals try to expel dead worms from the lungs.

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