The average Friesian calf is selling for €111/head in marts, similar to last week.

Two-week old bulls are selling for just under €100. Angus bull and heifer calves are making €250/head on average and up to €280/head for stronger types. This is a marked increase of about €25 to €50/head on the previous week. However, numbers on offer are still very low. Hereford calves are averaging from €300/head for heifers to €330/head for bulls. The number of continental calves on offer remains low, but Limousin and Belgian Blue calves are making from €290/head to €330/head on average.

The mart trade over the past week has been positive, with many mart managers commenting on strengthened prices. The big difference has been seen in the weanling and cow markets. Youngstock have been met with a sharp improvement in prices. Mart managers have said strong farmer demand and increased exporter activity have been the main drivers of the increase.

Weanling bulls saw prices rebound by up to €40/head from last week. The average 300kg to 400kg bull sold for just under €2.40/kg, similar to where prices were this time last year.

The top third of bulls are making from €2.70/kg to €2.80/kg or €963 for 350kg. Weanling heifers from 300kg to 400kg have seen slightly improved farmer demand also and are trading at similar prices to the same time last year.

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Friesian bull calves static but continental, Hereford and Angus rising

Slightly improved trade for weanlings