A hefty fine of €14,000 was imposed on Donegal farmer Noel Devine, with an address of Newmills, Letterkenny, for the “misuse of marked mineral oil”. The Revenue brought four charges against Mr Devine for misusing green diesel.

Along with interest and penalties, a Tipperary farmer handed over €328,142 to the Revenue in a settlement for non-declaration of income tax and VAT. Florence McCarthy, with an address of Cloughjordan, also received a €2,000 fine for failure to lodge his income tax returns.

In total, 25 farmers from around the country were fined a total sum of €37,500 for failure to lodge income tax returns. Seven farmers were fined a total sum of €29,500 for misuse of green diesel.

The average fine for failure to lodge income tax returns was €1,250, with four farmers receiving higher fines of €2,500. One farmer with four charges received a one-day jail sentence, suspended for three months.

The average fine for misuse of green diesel was €2,500.

The Revenue’s latest list of defaulters contains details of published settlements from 1 October 2015 to 31 December 2015.