This supplement focuses on having ewes in optimum condition at mating, ewe breed type, breeding policy, genetic merits of rams and techniques for early lambing.

Selecting the optimum breeding date for your flock
Darren Carty
Numerous factors have an influence on breeding date selection from targeting increased demand for religious festivals to the normal commencement of grass growth and labour availability.
Benefits of addressing poor body condition of ewes
24 July 2024 Sheep breeding
Benefits of addressing poor body condition of ewes
There is huge potential at farm level to maximise the genetic potential of ewes and optimise reproductive performance by having ewes in the correct body condition score at mating.
Focus should be turning to 2024 breeding
24 July 2024 Sheep breeding
Focus should be turning to 2024 breeding
A challenging year has left many flocks requiring significant attention to provide the foundation for positive reproductive performance.
The SIS genotyped ram action – year two questions
With in excess of 7,600 farmers required to purchase a genotyped ram in 2024, we caught up with Sheep Ireland’s Seán Godfrey, to get the latest on the scheme.
24 July 2024 Sheep breeding
Reviewing replacement policy options for your flock
There is an expectation among farmers that hogget supplies may be tighter this season which may lead to some farmers reviewing their replacement policy.
27 June 2024 Sheep breeding