All the latest tillage farming news including grain prices and grain markets from the Irish Farmers Journal. Keep up to date with all farming, production and grain market news developments in the tillage farming sector.

Grain Trends: some recovery from dramatic drop
Siobhán Walsh
Grain prices looked a bit more positive this week, with a rise from some of the lowest prices of the year.
Combine sales down 52% on last year’s 10-year high
28 August 2024 News
Combine sales down 52% on last year’s 10-year high
Irish combine sales in 2024 are the complete opposite of last year’s record 10-year high, demonstrating a 52% decrease year on year.
Grain Trends: prices hit new lows in harvest
21 August 2024 Markets
Grain Trends: prices hit new lows in harvest
Grain prices are not looking good this week. Prices dropped last Thursday and remain at that point.
Grain Trends: wheat drops to €220/t in Europe
Wheat prices hit another low this week, as the outlook for maize looks good and those expected supplies weigh on the market.
14 August 2024 Markets
Grain Trends: oilseed rape falls €50/t since mid-July
Grain prices remained steady, but oilseed rape prices dropped dramatically this week.
7 August 2024 Markets
Grain Trends: prices down this week despite dry weather
There is dry weather in many parts of Europe, but this does not seem to be driving prices upwards at present.
31 July 2024 Markets
Grain Trends: EU report forecasts decline in yields
The latest European Commission crop monitoring report came out this week. It forecast a drop in most crop yields.
24 July 2024 Markets
Grain Trends: no major moves on prices
Grain and oilseed prices were not looking hectic this week wit a big drop in French wheat and oilseed prices.
17 July 2024 Markets
Grain Trends: more positive US yields affecting prices
The US wheat harvest is progressing quicker than usual. Over 60% of both corn and soybean crops are reported to be in good or excellent condition.
10 July 2024 Markets
Grain Trends: oilseed rape jumps as production estimated down
Markets were more positive this week, with wheat relatively stable and oilseed rape climbing higher due to expected declines in production.
3 July 2024 Markets
Grain Trends: prices remain negative
Grain prices did not show any signs of improvement this week, with no news to lift them. This was reflected in prices here.
26 June 2024 Markets
Grain Trends: markets flop as barley goes to €180/t
Grain markets did not bring any good news for farmers this week, as prices fell across grains and oilseed markets.
19 June 2024 Markets