For some farmers, the task of getting enough winter feed is a serious challenge. There is no silver bullet and many farmers will take different parts of various solutions outlined in this magazine in order to gather and deliver enough winter feed. The extent of the European drought is only now appearing in sharp focus and this also presents challenges. The import solution is not an easy option.

Time is of the essence for many farmers and hence why we felt it was necessary to produce this technical supplement together now. Spring cereal fields are now being cleared, so the door is open for catch crops. However, the sooner they are established the better.

We are aware that the European Commission is monitoring the situation closely and there are opportunities available to our Department of Agriculture, which it may provide over the coming weeks. Farmers don’t want to contravene existing schemes and they need comfort from the Department that penalties won’t follow if they change existing plans. Can farmers cut instead of just top low input permanent pasture? Can farmers graze catch crops before early December? Are there income support tools available given the considerable extra costs on farmers this year? As soon as answers are available, we will endeavour to bring you the options.

While December and January might be months away yet, there are plans that can be made now that can make existing feed stocks stretch. Similarly, you may decide to go down a different route with some stock, such as feeding ad-lib concentrates, which removes the need for dwindling forage stocks. All extra feed costs will put further pressure on cashflow and there may well be a need for short-term borrowing. The financial expert team within IFAC has options and solutions to some financial questions that need expert answers. Keep in contact and keep the faith in challenging times, which no doubt we will overcome.