Is Eamon Ryan sparking a level of paranoia among farmers, I wonder?

This question is prompted by a recent conversation with a farm leader.

He confided to me that he awoke in a cold sweat recently after dreaming that a cross-compliance inspection was carried out by none other than the Green Party leader.

All was going well with the inspection until our illustrious farm leader realised that the improvements of the last 20 years had not taken place on his “dream farm”.

The penny dropped when he explained to Eamon Glas that effluent from the silage was directed into a tank at the side of the pit. To his horror, however, when they looked over the silage wall, there was no tank there.

My man awoke in a panic at that stage, glad to realise that his inspection was actually a genuine nightmare.

Things are bad when Eamon Ryan is invading farm leaders’ dreams. It takes paranoia to a whole new level.