There is a small upward movement in cattle quotes this week, with one plant putting 2p on its heifer quote at 342p/kg. Hence, best quotes are now 340p for U-3 grade steers and 342p for heifers.

Reports from farmers suggest that prices paid are steady, although some factory agents suggest that numbers have become slightly easier to source with more intensively fed cattle coming fit for slaughter. While this would normally suggest prices might come under pressure, factories are still trying to meet demand for the Christmas trade, with one plant working on a six-day kill.

As a result, processors have had little option but to continue at last week’s prices. Most farmers have been working from a base quote of 346p/kg for prime cattle, with 2p/kg to 6p/kg generally available over these quotes.

Steers and young bulls are mainly selling from a base of 346p/kg to 350/kg, depending on the numbers offered for sale. Heifers continue to sell from 350p/kg to 355p/kg. There are still deals of 360p/kg being made at the top of the trade, but these are only on offer to larger finishers with quality lots.

In NI, the prices paid last week were up 3p to 4p/kg on the previous week. Steers and heifers averaged 339.77p/kg, with U3 steers and heifers at 349.1p and 353.5p/kg respectively.

The number of cattle coming in last week from the south for slaughter was up by 55 head at 163 head. Trade in the opposite direction was 126 head, with 110 head going to Britain.

Cattle kills in NI remain strong, with 9,602 head slaughtered last week.

Cow trade

There is no change in the quotes for fat cows this week and the best quote for an O+3 grade cow is 245p/kg, with others quoting 240p/kg. The best quote for an R grade is at 250p/kg, although prices paid for R3s and 4s last week edged over 270p/kg.

Lamb trade

The trade in fat lambs is brighter this week at 375p/kg for up to 21kg, which is an increase of 5p at one factory. And another is now quoting to a higher weight limit, with 370p for up to 22kg. Others are expected to quote to 22kg in the near future.

In the marts, although the euro has weakened by 3.5c during the past week, demand from the south was maintained and prices increased.

Kilrea had 350 lambs (50 lambs fewer than last week) selling from 334p to 343p, up by 6p/kg for the main weight range.

Massereene sold 1,170 lambs (196 more) making from 335p to 365p, up by 5p/kg.

Saintfield had a sale of 681 head (100 fewer) and they made from 325p to 381p/kg, up 5p/kg.

In Rathfriland, there was a big sale, with 1,081 lambs (28 more) and trade was stronger. Prices averaged 343p/kg, up by 5p on last week. The range was from 332p to 389p/kg. Top fat prices went to £93 for 32kg with a range from £85 to £89.50 for 25kg to 28kg.


The trade in fat ewes is holding up well with good top prices for ewes in fit condition. Top in Newtownstewart was £80; in Omagh £108 for a big show of 305 ewes; in Swatragh was £70; in Massereene was £92; and in Saintfield was £138/head. In Rathfriland, the top was £77 with a good run making from £77 to £70/head.

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Beef trends: slow increase as prices lift 5c/kg