The trail of destruction wrought by storm Debi brought to mind a similarly-named climatic event from decades past.

Hurricane Debbie which hit the country on 16 September 1961 was one of the most destructive and costly storms, in terms of lives lost, to hit Ireland since the violent tempest of October 1927 which killed 45 fishermen along the coast of Galway and Mayo.

Storm Debbie cost 15 lives in the north and south, primarily as a result of fallen trees.

Winds of 110 miles per hour or 177km/h were recorded as the “extra-tropical cyclone” battered the west coast.

A gust of 113 miles per hour or almost 182km/h was recorded at Malin Head in Donegal, the joint highest gust ever recorded in Ireland, according to Met Éireann.

The storm levelled trees, powerlines and swept roofs off sheds and houses across the west.

It also destroyed hundreds of acres of barley that were ready for harvest.

Debbie originated off the coast of west Africa but was unusual in that it developed into a hurricane so far east in the Atlantic.

Fortunately for Ireland, it reached peak power in mid-Atlantic and was weakening by the time it crashed along the west coast.