Name and address with editor

DEAR SIR: I have a three-and-a-half-year-old and am expecting again. I am writing to you as a concerned parent of children who are often on the farm, even though I am not comfortable with that. As we are all aware, 2014 was a poor year with regard to farm safety, there have been too many deaths and accidents – I’m sure many accidents also go unreported.

A lot of people involved in farm work have an “it didn’t do me any harm” attitude, or “I’m being careful, it will never happen here”. This is a major issue with regard to farm safety. Farmers simply do not see the risks involved. I will give you an example.

My child’s grandfather loves when the children come to help on the farm – all are under six years of age – this often involves helping feed calves, going for a spin in the tractor or helping feed cattle. I have never liked my child going on the farm, I see so many risks it terrifies me. Is it worth the risk to keep granddad happy? The answer is simply: NO.

Basically, I think the farm is a workplace and should be treated as such, children under a certain age, say maybe 12, should not be on the farm at all.

Toddlers and young children have no place on a farm and should simply not be there as it is not safe.

I think we need to see children kept off farms, at least until they are old enough to realise some of the dangers which are all around them on the farm, as their elders do not see these risks or don’t see any problem with them spending the day on the farm.