Countryside by Ciarán Guckian

Green fields rolling in the warm summer sun.

Fresh breeze blows softly.

Birdsong rising early, greeting the day.

Dawn breaks slowly, the night’s shadow.

Taking leave, prolongation interim.

Bright blue sky making its presence felt.

The sleepy reticent countryside, arising.

Quiet are the roads, they twist and turn.

Trees shadowing the lanes and byways.

Cattle grazing, low so gentle.

Heads peering through the gates.

Bees buzzing around.

Collecting precious nectar.

Pollen making my eyes water.

Bustling noises of farming.

Ploughed are those green fields.

Soil fragmented.

Saplings, they break ground.

Green shoots.

Breathing life anew.

Stirring towards brilliant light.

Turf brought home.

Countryside peaceful, the evening draws in.

Wind blowing, the front door rattles.

Sounds echoing all around.

The living feed their young.

Find shelter for the night.

Robin singing the encore.

Night falls, a quietness descends.

Countryside resting, new dawn to come.

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