Tullow Mart manager Eric Driver reported on a much livelier trade in Tuesday’s sheep sale, with stronger competition between factory buyers helping to lift prices by an average of €3/head. Good-quality lowland factory lambs weighing 46kg to 50kg sold from €97 to €102 on average, with the best-quality lots rising to €105/head.

The lift in the factory trade also sparked more bidding for store lambs. Forward stores weighing 40kg to 44kg sold from €86 to €92 on average.

Eric said there was a number of larger lots of well-presented store lambs weighing 35kg to 36kg, with these selling particularly well and ranging in price from €80 to €82. Ram lambs were a tougher trade, with a €3 to €4 differential to similar-weight wether and ewe lambs. Rams weighing 33kg to 37kg sold from €76 to €77 on average.

There were not many breeding quality ewe lambs on offer, with demand outstripping supply and evident in a pen of 40kg speckle-faced ewe lambs selling for €116.

Cull ewe prices were steady, with feeding types selling from €10 to €15 over €1/kg or from €75 to €80 for feeding ewes weighing 60kg to 65kg. The number of large-framed heavy fleshed ewes is tightening, with prices ranging from €100 to €120 and a top price of €125/head.