The Belgian Beltex breeders’ society in-lamb show and sale was held over the weekend in GVM Tullamore. Despite the inclement weather, sale averages and clearances held strong, with a high level of online activity.
Thomas Clarke from the Branraduff Flock, in Ballindine, Co Mayo, was the judge for the day. He awarded the overall champion spot to Donegal man Declan Robinson, for his shearling ewe Sheephaven Jennifer.
The Buckles Fizzy Pop-sired shearling ewe later fetched the top price of €1,300 in the sales ring. It was the day’s judge Thomas Clarke that was the successful bidder and she heads off to Mayo to join his Branraduff flock.
Reserve champion was awarded to Jack and Sean O’Brien’s leading ewe lamb Aileach View Kardashian. This smart ewe lamb was sired by Wannop’s Firecraker. Her full sister took the second place rosette in the same ewe lamb class. The Aileach View flock had a full clearance of its ewe lamb pen later in the sale. With the first and second prize-winners selling for €650 and €550.
The Aileach View flocks’ success didn’t stop there. Its shearling ewe was awarded second place in her class and sold to William Glynn, for €800.
Both the third and fourth place shearling ewes came from the Cloneycavan pen of Hugh O’ Connor. Both of these ewes sold for €1,000 each and headed of together to Mullingar with Paul Slevin. A third shearling ewe from the Cloneycavan pen also breached the €1,000 mark, selling to Laois man Kevin Burke.

Overall reserve champion Aileach View Kardashian, with breeder Jack O'Brien and judge Thomas Clarke. \ Lauren Payne Photography
The Belgian Beltex breeders’ society in-lamb show and sale was held over the weekend in GVM Tullamore. Despite the inclement weather, sale averages and clearances held strong, with a high level of online activity.
Thomas Clarke from the Branraduff Flock, in Ballindine, Co Mayo, was the judge for the day. He awarded the overall champion spot to Donegal man Declan Robinson, for his shearling ewe Sheephaven Jennifer.
The Buckles Fizzy Pop-sired shearling ewe later fetched the top price of €1,300 in the sales ring. It was the day’s judge Thomas Clarke that was the successful bidder and she heads off to Mayo to join his Branraduff flock.
Reserve champion was awarded to Jack and Sean O’Brien’s leading ewe lamb Aileach View Kardashian. This smart ewe lamb was sired by Wannop’s Firecraker. Her full sister took the second place rosette in the same ewe lamb class. The Aileach View flock had a full clearance of its ewe lamb pen later in the sale. With the first and second prize-winners selling for €650 and €550.
The Aileach View flocks’ success didn’t stop there. Its shearling ewe was awarded second place in her class and sold to William Glynn, for €800.
Both the third and fourth place shearling ewes came from the Cloneycavan pen of Hugh O’ Connor. Both of these ewes sold for €1,000 each and headed of together to Mullingar with Paul Slevin. A third shearling ewe from the Cloneycavan pen also breached the €1,000 mark, selling to Laois man Kevin Burke.

Overall reserve champion Aileach View Kardashian, with breeder Jack O'Brien and judge Thomas Clarke. \ Lauren Payne Photography