Investigation of summer scour in calves
Grace Hoare
Researchers in Teagasc Grange are investigating summer scour syndrome, which is mostly prevalent in weaned dairy and dairy-beef calves, and symptoms to be aware of.
Rearing 6,500 calves ‘McDonald’s-style’ in UK
Adam Woods visited Long Lane Farm this week, which rears 6,500 calves annually for the Buitelaar Group.
Distinguishing between coccidiosis and nematodirus
Both diseases pose a significant challenge at present, with weather providing an ideal environment for high risk in 2024.
Dairy Management: breeding, reseeding and calves
Aidan Brennan says that keeping cows on a rising plane of nutrition could be a challenge this year.
24 April 2024 Management
Department signals earlier risk of nematodirus
Peak hatching will generally occur at the end of March in Munster and south Leinster and in the early days of April in the midlands and northern half of the country.
10 April 2024 Breeding & health
Beef management: Delayed turnout leads to housing issues
In this week's beef management notes, Adam Woods takes a look at coccidiosis.
10 April 2024 Management
Heery hitting the high-end heifer market
Adam Woods visits a Cavan farmer aiming to breed high end heifers for a growing market.
6 April 2024 Breeding & health
Sheep Management: nematodirus and conserving grass supplies
Farmers with lambs suffering from scour need to be mindful that there are a few ailments that cause diarrhoea in lambs.
3 April 2024 Management
Farmer Writes: more milk price rises needed
Despite last year being the second highest milk price received, it was one of the lowest profit years in the last decade, highlighting the rising input costs and need for increased milk prices.
20 March 2024 Farmer Writes