More virus resistance and tolerance in winter barley
Siobhán Walsh
New winter barley varieties nearly have to carry protection against barley yellow dwarf virus as well as high yield and good grain quality.
Fane Valley invests in Ready Egg Products Ltd
Ready Eggs packages and processes over 25m eggs per week, across the UK.
10 April 2024 News
Tillage farmers can still grow good crops
Agronomists across the country remain optimistic for tillage crops, despite the incessant rain. Siobhán Walsh reports.
Can liquid nitrogen save you money?
Liquid nitrogen is becoming more popular. Brian Reilly of Drummonds offered some advice on the product which he sells at the company’s recent winter conference.
18 February 2024 News
Sulphur, seaweed and potash topping trials at Drummonds
The Drummonds trial site is a great resource for the company’s agronomists and customers to base their advice on.
11 February 2024 News
An even crop is more important than a good plant count
Farmers should carry out plant counts, but also look at ground conditions, evenness and plant health.
30 January 2024 News