New 70% slurry storage grant to open
Amy Forde
The European Commission approved the 70% slurry storage grant scheme back in April.
24 July 2024 Markets
Grain Trends: EU report forecasts decline in yields
The latest European Commission crop monitoring report came out this week. It forecast a drop in most crop yields.
24 July 2024 News
Carberry writes to Commission on straw scheme suspension
MEP Nina Carberry has also called on Minister Charlie McConalogue to reverse his decision to suspend the scheme for 2024.
Opinion: bless me fodder, for I have sinned - minister needs to reverse on SIM
The almost universal opposition to Minister McConalogue's decision to withdraw the Straw Incorporation Measure is the clearest sign he has got this one wrong.
20 July 2024 Opinion
Ursula von der Leyen reelected as European Commission president
Green MEPs agreed to back von der Leyen after she pledged to continue to commit to Europe’s green transition.
18 July 2024 News
Straw scheme suspension came as ‘big surprise’ - Hackett
Minister of State Pippa Hackett said she was not consulted on the straw chopping scheme being scrapped for this year and she is not in favour of it.
18 July 2024 News
Commission gives €62m to farmers affected by hail and frost
The European Commission has allocated €10m to Austria, €15m to Czechia and €37m to Poland from the agricultural reserve.
10 July 2024 News
EU political nervousness on show
Of more concern right now to the EU is what might be happening in the US and closer to home in France.
3 July 2024 Viewpoints
Have your say: exemptions on rules for small amounts of aid in agriculture
The Commission is now revising the agricultural de minimis regulation to react to increasing inflationary pressure in the sector.
27 June 2024 News
Nature restoration measures should be paused for legal clarity – INHFA
The INHFA has written to the European Commission asking that no further action be taken at this time by member states on the Nature Restoration Law.
27 June 2024 News
Battle begins for EU top jobs
With the European elections completed, the fight for leadership and committee positions is under way in Brussels.
19 June 2024 News
Anaerobic digestion sector can have 'no room for cheats'
A major biomethane conference heard that farmers could be in a strong negotiating position for supply anaerobic digesters if the industry takes off.
19 June 2024 Renewables