Slatted floors for sheep and calves: the pros and cons
Martin Merrick
With the recent straw shortages and another mediocre harvest on the cards, Martin Merrick analyses what merits there are in having slatted flooring vs. straw bedded for drystock.
20 March 2024 News
In-lamb ewes stolen in Donegal
It is understood that seven in-lamb ewes were taken from a field in the area sometime on Saturday 9 March.
28 February 2024 Markets
Sheep mart prices: vibrant trade but variability reported
Some marts have seen prices increase by another €3 to €5/head on average, while others recorded a steady trade, with agents more coy in their purchasing activity.
PSNI investigating 63 sheep stolen in two Derry thefts
Most recently, 13 Suffolk-cross-Texel in-lamb ewes were taken from a field at the junction of the Kilcreen and Altinure roads.
20 February 2024 News
News in-brief from Northern Ireland
News in-brief from across the farming and food industry in Northern Ireland.
31 January 2024 Northern Ireland