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Farmers from Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales listened to industry experts at the Positive Dairy conference in Cork last week. Jack Kennedy reports.
The company stated that the proposed development will provide new employment opportunities while positively impacting the sustainability and viability of associated farms.
Primarily used by the dairy sector in 2024, Enviroflex loans are designed to incentivise farmers to continue implementing sustainability focused improvements on their land.
The winning project was titled 'An Investigation into using Total Leaf-Area as a predictive tool for determining below-ground biomass at all stages in the growth of selected Root-Crop Plants'.
A spokesperson for Lakeland Dairies said: “After a period of volatility in late 2024, the global dairy markets have started 2025 relatively stable, with supply and demand largely in balance.”
The scheme provides funding to processors who wish to invest in developing facilities for the processing, preparation, grading, packing and storage of organic products.
If consumers are not prepared to pay more for food, the guarantee of security of supply will not be there as it was in the past, Tirlán CEO Seán Molloy has said.