Call for safeguards to protect productive land from solar farms
Noel Bardon
Solar farms reduce the farmland available for young farmers to lease, according to the IFA's rural development chair.
28 August 2024 Markets
Sheep management: fertiliser deadlines, grass demand and store lamb budgets
There is a relatively short window remaining to apply fertiliser, with many farmers first relying on good weather and a marked improvement in ground conditions.
22 August 2024 News
LESS scheme to reopen to farmers stocked up to 170kg N/ha
Applications received from 1 January 2024 are now eligible for LESS investments.
TAMS grants needed in forestry, claim growers
A severe shortage of drivers and fewer forestry harvesting machines has significantly restricted harvesting capacity, the Irish Forestry Owners has claimed.
21 August 2024 News
Tranche 3 approvals approach half way point for TAMS
Over 1,700 applications under TAMS III tranche 3 have already issued close to half of all applications.
21 August 2024 Buildings
Women farmers waiting 1,000 days for payment
Despite a women's capital investment programme being announced back in October 2021, and opening for applications 14 months ago, no one has been paid as yet.
21 August 2024 Dealer
Key elements in designing cattle handling facilities
Martin Merrick outlines some key technical and Department of Agriculture advice surrounding the design of cattle yards and crushes.
18 August 2024 Infrastructure
Farm fencing costs: TAMS costs out of kilter
Martin Merrick looks at where actual costs lie as regards TAMS, as both posts and wire costs increase.
14 August 2024 Infrastructure
Price gap in fencing costs in TAMS
With creosote banned since April 2023, alternatives have pushed fencing prices up while reference costs have remained stagnant.
14 August 2024 News
Delay to TAMS money for female farmers
A total of 943 applications have been received since the scheme opened for applications last year.
14 August 2024 News
2024 finances make investments tough
With margins squeezed this year, investing in your farm is becoming more and more difficult.
14 August 2024 Infrastructure
Farm Tech Talk: weanlings, TAMS and forage crops
Booming weanling prices, the TAMS approval process and forage crops all feature on this week's Farm Tech Talk.
9 August 2024 News