10% of trailers on UK database stolen, with these transported via Ireland
Anne O'Donoghue
The Equipment Register (TER), which assists in retrieving stolen plant and equipment, said 10% of checks undertaken on its database match stolen items.
3 July 2024 Husbandry
Tillage Management: glyphosate rules, oilseed rape and harvest
Harvest is almost upon many tillage farmers. Weather into next week looks showery for cutting early ripening crops of winter barley.
Poor trailer brakes cost thousands in tractor transmission repairs
Fergal O’Sullivan, lecturer at MTU Kerry, looks into the fundamentals of trailer brakes, brake maintenance and what to look out for on brakes when buying a new trailed implement.
Redrock Machinery Ltd Acquires Ktwo and Warwick trailers
Redrock Machinery Ltd has announced that it has successfully acquired the Ktwo and Warwick trailers brands. Peter Thomas Keaveney and Gary Abbott report.
8 May 2024 News
Well-known English manufacturer Ktwo enters into administration
The Irish Farmers Journal understands that KTwo Sales Ltd, the English manufacturer of dung spreaders and trailers, has gone into administration.
10 April 2024 News
On review: Smyth's tri-axle Supercube shows big gains on long draws
With the trend of bigger trailers growing in popularity, Smyth Trailers kindly gave us a demonstration of a 25ft Supercube 50m3 trailer. Peter Thomas Keaveney reports.
3 April 2024 Farm machinery
Top trailer service tips for safe towing
Gary Abbott caught up with Barry White of White’s Trailers, who offered service tips and advice when it comes to servicing and maintaining a livestock trailer.
6 March 2024 Farm machinery