Krone launches new 7.1m direct cut header
Peter Thomas Keaveney
Krone has launched its new XDisc 710 wholecrop header, which features an increased working width of 7.1m, compared with the previous 6.2m XDisc 620.
How to prepare for wholecrop harvest
Tullamore Farm prepares to harvest wholecrop at the start of August. Kelsey Daly looks at what stage to cut it at, how to store the crop and the need to test it for dry matter and protein.
24 July 2024 Management
Ten tips to address a fodder shortage
With concerns over fodder reserves, Kieran Mailey outlines some options to help meet winter feed requirements on livestock farms.
CAFRE advice on cutting waste in dairy
David Wright reports from a farm walk organised by CAFRE, on the McConnell farm outside Armagh.
17 April 2024 Northern Ireland