With 21 new telehandlers registered in October, registrations were down one unit on the same month last year, according to the Farm Tractor and Machinery Trade Association (FTMTA).

The total for the first 10 months of the year stands at 370 units. This represents a drop of over 19% on the 459 units registered at the end of October 2019. Cork (68) and Meath (65) recorded more than one third of the total number of registrations during 2020.

With 11 units registered in October, registrations of wheel loaders fell by three units in comparison to the same month last year. However, the total for the first 10 months of the year now stands at 116 units, which is up substantially from 98 units for the same period last year. At 116 units, 2020 has now registered slightly more units than what was registered in the full year of 2020 (115 units).

There was one less backhoe loader registered in October of this year than in 2019.

The four such machines registered in October bring the running total for the year to 31 units, much reduced from the year on year total of 66 units which was also the final tally for the full year in 2019.