Tuesday’s sale at Ballymote Mart saw a seasonal entry of cattle meet very good demand. The majority of animals on offer were cull cows. Mart manager Stephen Hannon said that the trade for cows was surprisingly strong considering where the beef trade is at.

He said that while prices paid at the top of the market are lower now than where they were a few weeks ago, top-quality, heavy, short-keep cows were selling for up to €1.80/kg, with the majority of forward continentals making from €1.60/kg to €1.70/kg.

The majority of feeding cows on offer sold for around €300 to €330 along with the weight. Stephen said that demand for plain-quality, thin and old cows has eased a little more, with prices of these ranging mainly from €1.30/kg to €1.45/kg.

The lamb trade saw numbers running lower than last year, but the trade was still quite strong.

Heavy butchers’ lambs sold mainly from €105 to €107 at the top of the market, with the majority of factory lambs selling from €100 to €104, with top-quality lambs making up to €106/head.

Stephen said that the number of store lambs on offer remains low and prices are ranging mainly from €80 to €85/head. Commission rates for cattle are 2% to the seller to a maximum charge of €22, and €9 to the buyer.