A number of dairy farmers have switched processors in recent months, with the latest moves seeing Dale Farm taking on two new suppliers from Lakeland Dairies at the start of October.

It is understood that since early summer, Dale Farm has taken on five suppliers, all of which moved from Lakeland, gaining an estimated 6m litres in process.

These new suppliers are located in areas where Dale farm already has a strong milk pool and are replacing members of the co-operative who retired from farming this year.

The introduction of fixed-price milk schemes, which generally ringfenced suppliers for a period of up to three years, has curtailed many dairy farmers from switching processors in recent years.


With milk production in NI contracting during 2022, the Irish Farmers Journal understands Lakeland Dairies is potentially reconsidering its temporary freeze on taking on new entrants in 2023 in order to maintain its current milk pool.

NI’s largest milk processor had announced a 12-month pause on new entrants with the intention of re-opening its doors for new milk in 2024.

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