A rest day in Chiang Mai after our Thailand ultra-marathon and we were back in the saddle. The next country was Myanmar, also known as Burma. We cycled south to Mae Sot and crossed the border to Myawaddy. We got our passport departure stamps out of Thailand, crossed a bridge to a Myanmar checkpoint on the other side, got a stamp and a few pictures taken and we were in.

A different language, different currency, different clothes, different ways of life. All that separates them is a bridge.

It usually takes a day or two to familiarise ourselves with the ways and customs of a new country, often times switching from cycling on the right side to the left side of the road or vice-versa. People drive differently in each country and road rules differ. In Myanmar, intersections are... well, let’s just say they are unique. No one stops. Just blow the horn approaching and if no one is crossing you have the right of way, or at least that’s the conclusion we came to.

Our first day went without a glitch. We made it to the next guesthouse in a town called Hpa-An. After entering Laos two months ago, Dáithí started struggling with his health and had been since. He went to the hospital in Laos but tests didn’t show anything irregular. We had put it down to the physical exertion we had been putting ourselves through the last few months, so we were conscious about correct nutrition and focusing on hydrating ourselves correctly. Something was not right though and on this night in Hpa-An a fever came on.

As soon as it happened, we knew we needed to seek medical attention straight away. We had cycled through some high-risk areas for malaria and dengue fever, you get both from mosquitoes and there are lots and lots of mosquitoes in these humid countries. Mandalay was the best place for medical attention but we were still 700km away – seven days’ cycling. We went to the bus station and they loaded the bikes in the bus and we took an overnight bus to Mandalay and went directly to A&E.

We walked into the hospital not knowing what to expect, but the care there was absolutely top-class. Dáithí was designated a nurse who would bring him from room to room for different examinations. The doctor said: “You will not leave this hospital until we know exactly what is wrong with you.” Within two hours they had done blood tests, ultrasounds, x-rays and had the diagnosis. It was an amebic liver abscess picked up from a parasite.

This must have happened in Cambodia as that was when the first symptoms showed. Dáithí had been hosting this intruder for at least two months. We named his new friend Peter. All along, we thought there were only two of us but there has been three. Peter had hitched a ride through three countries and ran two ultramarathons and neither of us had invited him along for the ride. Now the time had come – Pete had to go!

A CT scan was needed to see the exact location to decide what procedure was needed. Luckily, it was in a good location where an aspiration procedure would be adequate. He was admitted to hospital and put on intravenous antibiotics. The next day, he was in theatre and they performed the procedure. There was to be no physical activity for three weeks and then a follow-up ultrasound to make sure the antibiotics were doing there job.

Special country

In the three weeks spent in Mandalay, we really got to know the Burmese people: absolutely beautiful and pure people. Their outlook and their values make Myanmar a very special country. It really is a paradise, completely different from any other country in southeast Asia.

Once again, thank you for taking the time to read our column. Our ambitious aim is to raise €100,000 for Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital Crumlin and the Sydney Children’s Hospital Foundation. Our trip is self-funded with all money raised split 50-50 between both foundations. You can follow our journey on 2cycle28.com. Here, you will also find a link to the iDonate secure website if you wish to donate. Thank you.

Note: This diary entry was written prior to COVID-19 restrictions being put in place.

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Diary in the Saddle: a warm welcome

Diary in the saddle: rice, earthquakes and a trip to the hospital