The Dealer hears that a much-anticipated farm sector report from Government’s top-notch “strategic policy” advisers – the National Economic and Social Council (NESC) – has not materialised, despite a launch event being held for it in Dublin last week.

The report was to advise Government on how to ensure a just transition in the farmin?g and land use sectors. But the report itself was not actually launched at the launch event.

Elizabeth Canavan of the Department of An Taoiseach told those who had traversed hills, streams and bogs to attend the launch that “the file didn’t go down on time” to Government for approval.

Prof Thia Hennessey, who chaired the report’s working group, heralded the unseen masterpiece as a report of “national importance and global significance”. And maybe it is.

But the Dealer would think that dragging farmers and their representatives up to the big smoke for such a charade seems to be entirely against the very ideas of a “just transition”.