Climate and environment

Fresh concern over rewetting targets for Irish farmland
Declan O’Brien
Rehabilitation works completed before Ireland enacts the Nature Restoration Law will not qualify for Ireland's restoration and rewetting targets. Declan O'Brien and Noel Bardon report.
Efforts to reduce farm emissions to get more difficult - researcher
24 July 2024 News
Efforts to reduce farm emissions to get more difficult - researcher
The effort to reduce farming’s emissions could get more difficult with time, a Teagasc emissions researcher has said.
Timeline: updates on minister's changes to the straw measure
21 July 2024 News
Timeline: updates on minister's changes to the straw measure
Here is a rundown on all the major moments since the minister announced that he was seeking to suspend the Straw Incorporation Measure.
Farmers may receive payment for baling straw - minister
The minister intends to discuss a new option with farm organisations when he meets them on Tuesday about the Straw Incorporation Measure.
20 July 2024 News
Decision on straw will hit confidence in tillage
Tillage Industry Ireland has said the decision by the Minister to seek to suspend the Straw Incorporation Measure has eroded confidence in the sector.
19 July 2024 News
Exclusive: areas of crops applied for chopping in 2024
Here is the breakdown of the crop areas in the Straw Measure which the Minister for Agriculture wants to suspend.
19 July 2024 News
Ireland best in Europe for farm carbon monitoring
A network of 28 carbon flux towers dotted all over the country will generate Ireland-specific information on carbon emissions and sequestration which may influence future farming policies.
17 July 2024 Climate and environment
Farmers misled on straw scheme
Farmers made key decisions based on the straw scheme this season, as they looked at poor winter crops.
17 July 2024 News
A kick to tillage farmers when they are down
Tillage farmers were furious when they heard that the SIM may be suspended. Many have already started harvesting.
17 July 2024 News
Potatoes, min-till and minding soil in Tipperary
Will Stokes farms in partnership with his father Paddy in Kilsheelan, Co Tipperary.
17 July 2024 News
Farmers chop straw as scheme is pulled
The news that the Straw Incorporation Measure may be pulled came as a shock to tillage farmers this week, especially those chopping straw.
17 July 2024 News
New biodiversity indicator for national farm survey
Satellite data for the 1,000-plus farms in the national farm survey will be used to measure changes in habitats.
16 July 2024 Climate and environment