Anchor organic milk is being made more accessible to all New Zealanders following a nationwide launch. Fonterra Brands NZ Manager Tim Deane said that other organic milk brands were available only in certain regions or very expensive. Anchor is on a mission to make organic milk more widely accessible.

He said “We want to put organic milk in reach of more customers. We’ve done just that through our nationwide distribution and providing Anchor Organic milk at an everyday price that works out at only 20 cents (€0.13) extra per glass compared to our standard Anchor milk.”

“All dairy farming is challenging, hard work. However, organic farming costs more so we have to pay more for the milk. We also have the complexity of keeping the milk separate through the collection and bottling process. So there is a lot of effort on and off the farm that goes into creating a certified organic product,” he added.

Seventy two percent Fonterra's customers say that they would buy organic milk more often if it was more affordable .

Mark Flipp, an organic farmer supplying milk to Fonterra said: “Being an organic farmer is about seeing our farm as the land within our fence line, and rather than bringing in supplies from elsewhere we produce everything we need within that fence line. In other words, we’re self sufficient.”