Over 700 cattle passed through the scales on Wednesday in Listowel Livestock Mart, with trade across all sections eased on the previous month.

Cull cow trade took up most of the morning, with a stronger trade still noticeable for the younger, more forward cow.

The majority of lots on offer in this section are those straight from the parlour. Trade for these generally started at €1/kg, with slightly less on offer for aged lots or those with Jersey breeding.

Speaking after the sale, mart manager Barney O’Connell said: “There isn’t that real burst of cows out yet, as farmers are still milking away. Trade is definitely quieter on three weeks ago, but that good smart cow trade is quite good still.”

In pictures

This nine-year-old Friesian cow weighed 735kg and sold for €740 (€1/kg).

This seven-year-old Friesian cow weighed 680kg and sold for €950 (€1.40/kg).

This eight-year-old Friesian cow weighed 705kg and sold for €860 (€1.22/kg).

This rising three-year-old Limousin weighed 445kg and sold for €770 (€1.73/kg).

This three-year-old Hereford cow weighed 485kg and sold for €640 (€1.32/kg).

This aged Friesian cow weighed 670kg and sold for €660 (€0.99/kg).

This 10-year-old Jersey-cross weighed 615kg and sold for €500 (€0.81/kg).

This 11-year-old Friesian weighed 665kg and sold for €760 (€1.14/kg).

This 12-year-old Friesian out of a Blue cow weighed 650kg and sold for €580 (€0.89/kg).

This seven year old Hereford cow weighed 620kg and sold for €720 (€1.16/kg).

This seven-year-old Friesian cow weighed 720kg and sold for €1,010 (€1.40/kg).

This rising 10-year-old Angus cow weighed 605kg and sold for €680 (€1.12/kg).

This four-year-old Friesian cow weighed 815kg and sold for €1,240 (€1.52/kg).