When did you start your business and why?

Sculpting started out as a hobby and remained that way for several years.

There was something about the process of making that calmed me and focused me in the present moment.

I became fascinated with this as I developed my process and realised that others were picking up on it as I began to teach sculpture workshops.

Teaching has now become my favourite part of my practice.

Can you explain your creative process?

I am completely self-taught and I guess the process at the beginning was just exploring the material and learning as I went, playing is an important part of developing a process.

Mistakes are a great way to progress - there have been many times where ‘mistakes’ turn out to be complete triumphs.

There is a great quote from Picasso: "Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working."

I try to keep this in mind and keep producing work as often as I can and wait for the lightbulb moments of inspiration.

How do you get artistic inspiration?

Inspiration is everywhere all of the time. I recently moved to the Estate Yard in Castlecomer - being surrounded by the forest and all the wildlife is truly inspiring.

Sometimes inspiration comes from music, philosophy, a conversation or simply a feeling that needs exploring.

A tree wire sculpture.

I am often asked if I would try any other materials or processes and I always say that I have more than enough ideas I want to explore with this medium to keep me going for this lifetime and beyond.

What is your biggest artistic achievement?

I completed a life-size elephant last year. The inspiration behind it came from a 5th century BC parable called the six blind men and the elephant.

The story goes that six blind men encounter an elephant for the first time and when they arrive, each explores one part of the animal and tries to explain what the creature is based on his own experience.

The one who grabs the leg declares that it is like a tree, while the one at the tail proclaims it is like a rope.

The one at the tusk announced that it was like a spear, while the one holding the trunk shouted that it was like a snake. The one at the flank of the beast insisted it was like a wall and the one inspecting the ear thought it to be a giant fan.

They argue and shout each other down trying to make all the others align with their view, but none will listen. They fall out and come to blows trying to argue their point.

The story ends by explaining that the elephant is the truth and that we are the blind men holding on to one small part, believing it to be the complete story.

You can see more about the elephant and the project it is a part of on www.108.ie.

The elephant is by far the largest sculpture I have made, but the most rewarding work I do is teaching in schools and in various community groups around the country. Sharing the love of art and the techniques I have picked up over the years brings me great joy and satisfaction.

What are your best sellers?

My best sellers would have to be trees. I have been making them for well over 20 years now and I still enjoy making them as much as I did in the beginning.

A horse sculpture created by artist Glenn Gibson.

I seldom plan them ahead of time. Forgive the pun, but they appear organically and there is a meditative quality to their production.

The tree form is the first project I teach anyone who attends my workshops. It is a very forgiving form and is one ideally suited to getting used to the material.

What advice would you give to someone interested in pursuing an artistic career?

It is not the easiest career path to choose. I think to succeed, you have to show up every day and produce work that inspires you.

When others tell you it is not sensible or that it will be difficult or that you will not succeed, ignore them and follow your heart.

The first person you need to convince that you are an artist is yourself, no one else will believe it until you do first!

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