A new project is aiming to explore the development of biochar-based products.

THREE C is a three-year project focusing on innovation and business development in the circular carbon economy based on biochar products.

Biochar is a carbon-rich, solid material made by heating biomass in a low oxygen environment.

Biochar can be made from a wide variety of biomass sources, including rushes and forestry residues. Once converted thermally, biochar is extremely stable, meaning it doesn’t decompose for hundreds of years.

Biochar has been gaining a lot of traction recently due to its potential as a soil improver, its ability to increase carbon content and provide habitats for beneficial soil microbiology.

The project is being led by the University of Kassel in Germany with several European partners including Irish Bioenergy Association (IrBEA).

Value from biomass

Speaking on the launch of the project, Seán Finan, IrBEA CEO said: “Biochar has the potential to generate value from biomass that might not have been looked at before. It is a sector that is gathering momentum both here and abroad.”

“Biochar can be used in agriculture and farming practice as a solution to a number of challenges faced at farm level including reducing odour, as a soil additive to reduce nutrient loss, as a slurry additive, an animal feed additive, a biogas additive, a growing medium and for soiled water filtration” he added.

The THREE C project has a total budget of €5.62m, with 13 project partners and sub partners spread over the six participating countries of Germany, Belgium, France, The Netherlands, Wales, and Ireland.