There is nothing wrong with veganism per se. It’s entirely valid for someone to choose not to eat meat or food derived from animals.

Some people are vegan because they believe that it is wrong to eat meat, some because they believe that eating food from crops is the best way to combat climate change.

I get that some vegans feel so strongly about their values that they campaign for curbs on the meat and dairy sectors.

What is not acceptable is when the tactics employed become either overly aggressive or unfairly inaccurate. Eating meat, dairy, and poultry products may disgust and offend vegans but in too many areas of life tolerance for the opposing view is disappearing.

The facts are simple. Global population has exploded to over 7bn and the protein requirement of humanity means the work farm families do is extremely important. Farming is a life and death issue for people, particularly those in the poorest countries who will be the first to suffer if food shortages occur.

Meanwhile, we who work with animals have a duty of care to them, to ensure they do not experience unnecessary cruelty. Legislation backs up best practice in animal handling, movement, and yes, slaughter. Farmers by nature like and respect animals.

Generally, where an animal welfare issue occurs on a farm, there is a human welfare issue as well, be it physical illness, depression, or the onset of old age.

Vegans are entitled to their stance, but so are meat eaters.

Read more

Attack of the vegans on the dairy industry

Milk wars: vegans take on the National Dairy Council