This summer, Pöttinger have being testing Sensosafe, an assistance system for detecting and protecting wild animals when mowing. The system encompasses an optical sensor bar which is mounted directly on the mower or an intermediate frame. If an animal is detected, the front mower automatically lifts.

The Sensosafe sensors work by converting different wavelengths of light into an electrical signal, allowing it to detect small wildlife.

The Austrian firm said that they have several Sensosafe prototypes undergoing intensive testing during the 2020 season, with feedback from the field being “extremely encouraging”.

They added that Sensosafe is the first system of this kind in the world equipped with optical sensors, working perfectly even in daylight and direct sunlight.

How it works

The Sensosafe sensors work by converting different wavelengths of light into an electrical signal, allowing it to detect small wildlife. If an animal is detected, the system immediately sends a signal to the mower hydraulics, which automatically raise the mower at lightning speed. It also emits an acoustic signal so that the tractor driver can apply the brakes. There is also a second version for rear mowers that features a separate intermediate frame with a sensor bar mounted on the front hitch.