Name: Sarah Lynch

From: Originally Birmingham, now Ballingarry

Height: 5” 8’

Was: 17st

Now: 9st 10½lbs

Lost: 7st 3½lbs

Leader: Sandra Maher

I don’t ever remember being thin. I had tried every stupid diet you could think of and failed at all of them – which was hard to take because I’m not a failing person.

“I have four small kids and they are my whole world and so, like any parent, I’m constantly bringing them here and there. I always came across as a happy person, but inside I was hurting; of all my kids’ friends, I was the only ‘big’ mum. As well as that, I was spending a fortune on clothes to fit me and I’d still look awful.

“I remember going to a clothes shop with a friend in the local area. When I walked in the door, the assistant immediately told me that they didn’t have anything to fit me – it was totally heart wrenching. So I was determined to finally do something about my weight – for myself, but also for my family.

“The key for me was to plan and prepare. I followed Weight Watchers’ ‘Filling & Healthy’ plan, so I didn’t have to weigh or measure anything. The best thing is that my kids absolutely love it. They eat really healthy things, like chicken with roasted vegetables, curry made from scratch or pasta with a healthy homemade sauce.

“Yes, we have jars there just for convenience, but most of what we eat is healthy and wholesome, and of course, I still have my treats. I love Jaffa Cakes, and I’ll always keep some at hand if I fancy something sweet.

“Years ago, if you were trying to lose weight you would have had to make a separate dinner for yourself and one for everyone else, but with Weight Watchers we all sit down together and have the same.

“Each week in our class there is a board up with recipes on it, so we just take pictures on our phones and try them at home. I adore my leader, Sandra. We have great chats together and she’s been a huge support to me.

“The class is such a great place to swap ideas and pick up tips, and I love being there with everyone. It’s a fantastic network to have: if there’s a good healthy product on sale locally, the word will go out and then when you go to the supermarket you’ll see the shelf has been cleared!

“Being healthy and slim for the first time in my life is such an amazing feeling. I have so much more energy and confidence, and I’ve been getting lovely compliments.

“I was never much into dressing up before, but now once a week I get dolled up and have a date night with my gorgeous husband, Aidan, and that’s my treat night. I have some Calypso coffees with cream and we talk about the week that’s been.

“Life is so good; I’m thrilled with myself and so proud of what I’ve achieved!”

Sarah’s tips for success

  • • Don’t stress about it, it’s not a diet: it’s a lifestyle change.
  • • Come to our class, our leader, Sandra is the best!
  • See or call 1850 234 123 to find your class. CL