Demand for straw appears firm with €20 per round 4X4 bale the going rate in most parts of the country.

Prices rise to €22-23/bale where tillage fields become sparse.

If farmers are loading and collecting the straw themselves, this price drops to €18/bale in some cases, while some sellers are delivering locally for €25/bale.


More straw will make its way on to the market in the coming days as good weather allows the spring cereal harvest to continue.

Straw yields were reported to be good in early crops but rain left many crops cut last week on the ground, making it more difficult to retrieve.

Value of P and K

As fertiliser prices rise, so too has the value of phosphorus, potassium and carbon in straw.

At current prices, the Irish Farmers Journal estimates that an 8t/ha (3.2t/ac) crop of spring barley contains €56/ha worth of P and K in its straw, while a 9t/ha (3.6t/ac) crop of winter oats contains approximately €88/ha worth of P and K.

Carbon is another important commodity. The same crop of spring barley can result in carbon retention in the soil worth €21/ha.

There is also the unknown value of straw to soil structure and biology.

Straw incorporation

The Straw Incorporation Measure (SIM) has placed a value on straw and the 35,000ha or so now estimated to be left in the scheme have no doubt contributed to a firm floor in prices up to now.

It is estimated that farmers need to secure at least €250/ha (€100/ac) for their straw before any machinery costs are taken into account.