Retailers not playing ball with regulator
Amy Forde
A number of retailers have not provided data requested by the Agri-Food Regulator in relation to the egg supply chain.
24 July 2024 Dealer
Barne Estate showdown in March 2025
There will be no shortage of moolah for the legal teams on each side of the Barne Estate dispute, the Dealer reckons.
24 July 2024 Consumer
Legal query: can I redirect assets under a will to try qualify for agri reliefs?
When property is left to you unexpectedly, there can be scope to redirect assets under a will to try qualify for agri tax reliefs, writes Aisling Meehan.
Rural Life: stigma stops men seeking domestic abuse support
In the second part of our series on domestic violence, Jacqueline Hogge speaks to male victims who share their experience of coercive control by former partners and the damage it inflicts on families.
17 July 2024 Features
Cannon fired through prenups
Prenups may be popular with young farmers but their constitutional and canonical validity has been queried.
3 July 2024 Dealer
Male culture still dominates sector
Just one in eight farms are owned and operated by women, with that proportion halving when it comes to the dairy sector.
3 July 2024 Feature
Magnier eager to set date for High Court showdown on Barne Estate
There is an urgency in John Magnier’s camp to get a date set for the High Court hearing.
1 July 2024 News
Public to have their say in reviewing Ireland’s wildlife legislation
The online public consultation is open until September 13 and is a chance for the public to decide where we should go beyond the minimum protections set down under EU law.
27 June 2024 News
Nature restoration measures should be paused for legal clarity – INHFA
The INHFA has written to the European Commission asking that no further action be taken at this time by member states on the Nature Restoration Law.
27 June 2024 News
Restoration law controversy
The Dealer wonders if the approval of the Nature Restoration Law sits well with the consensus-building principles on which EU democracy was built.
19 June 2024 Dealer
McConalogue suspends operations at horse abattoir
The Co Kildare slaughter plant is also subject to a legal notice detaining all carcases that presented for slaughter in the past week.
16 June 2024 News
Farmer settles for royalties due on their farm saved seed
The PVDO said the farmer agreed to pay all royalties on cereal seed sown in a number of years, along with the legal costs incurred.
22 May 2024 News