Market Digest: stories from around the world
Lorcan Roche Kelly
Brief news snippets from France, New Zealand, Argentina and the United States.
21 August 2024 News
Food exports an 'easy target' for Trump presidency
There is a possibility that a protectionist Trump could hit EU agri-food exports with tariffs, if elected.
20 August 2024 News
Royal Irish Academy hosting public lecture on potato famine pathogen
The lecture will explore the migrations and spread of the pathogen Phytophthora infestans, which entered the shores of Ireland in 1845 and devastated the potato crop.
US beef exports down in first half of 2024
Tighter cattle supply and strong competition from Australia and Brazil squeeze US beef export volumes for first half of 2024.
16 August 2024 News
Lack of clarity about 2025 farm payments
Although policy makers in Belfast design specific schemes for Northern Ireland, it is dependent on the budget set by the UK government in London.
14 August 2024 Northern Ireland
US farming is getting greener, but focused on high production
In May, the Irish Farmers Journal visited the Leeper farm in Springfield, Illinois. Siobhán Walsh reports.
14 August 2024 News
New monthly record for Australian beef exports
Monthly beef export records are like an Olympic event - when one record falls, another one often quickly follows.
11 August 2024 News
Major US investment in agri-food export promotion
In election year, the US administration is making a determined effort to support agri-food exports.
9 August 2024 News
Tyson Foods to lose up to $400m on beef this year
High cattle price and less supply drove Tyson's beef business into the red this year.
7 August 2024 News
Plant-based drinks taking up big fridge space in the US
Plant-based drinks are growing in popularity. Here are some of the products the Irish Farmers Journal saw in the US on a recent visit.
4 August 2024 News
US farmers to be paid to conserve water
Large swathes of the US are experiencing severe to extreme and, in some cases, exceptional drought.
4 August 2024 World
American interest in 113ac Galway estate
There is significant local and national interest in the property, along with buyers from overseas, particularly the US.
31 July 2024 Property