Nine of the processors lifted milk price in August, with the increases ranging from 0.25c/l to 1 c/l.

North Cork lifted its milk price by 1c/l. It processes about 210m litres of milk out of Kanturk from 85m litres of its own supply and an additional 125m litres purchased from Dairygold, Strathroy and others.

North Cork makes mainly butter, casein, powders and liquid milk. It hadn’t lifted price in July and was near the bottom of Division 3 in the July league.

The west Cork co-ops, Kerry, Glanbia and Centenary Thurles lifted milk price 0.5 c/l for August. Arrabawn lifted 0.25 c/l to stay on par with near neighbour Aurivo and ahead of Glanbia on base price.

Aurivo, Lakeland, Tipperary and Dairygold all held price for August as they all had lifted July price.

All this means Dairygold is bottom of the league when ranked on milk solids, just ahead of Glanbia and Centenary Thurles. All three players in Division 3 are paying around 29c/l, Division 2 players are paying 29.5c/l, and the west Cork Co-ops are all paying over 30.7c/l.

In effect, when we look back over the last three months, all processors lifted June price, five lifted in July and nine buyers lifted their price for August.

There is no change at the top, with nobody able to match the west Cork Co-ops. It all means the average price for August paid out was €4.18c/kg milk solids at 3.45% protein and 4.10% fat or 29.7 c/l ex VAT at base 3.3% protein and 3.6% fat.

Boherbue was meeting on Wednesday so it is not included this month. Last month it was at the bottom of the table.

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