Premier dairy beef demo in Tipperary
The Dealer
The leased farm is set up to show best practice for calves from the dairy herd, so expect beef and dairy farmers to attend next week.
26 June 2024 News
Support is only a phone call away
A recent seminar for female farmers in West Cork highlighted that on-farm audits support is just a phone call away.
26 June 2024 Markets
Low solids take the shine off May milk payments
Poor fat and protein percentage, as a result of poor weather conditions, mean that most suppliers are getting close to base price for May, writes Aidan Brennan.
Changing chairs in Carbery
There are a few new faces on the board of Carbery Group as some of the west Cork co-ops have elected new chairs.
19 June 2024 Dealer
Policy uncertainty frustrating for farmers
Lack of clarity in terms of policy is proving very frustrating for farmers according to one Co-op CEO.
29 May 2024 News
West Cork co-ops lead the way with 5c/l support
The four west Cork co-ops are back on top of the league as they support milk price for March with a 5c/l weather support payment.
1 May 2024 Markets
Positivity mixed with unknowns needs leadership
The 2023 results do nothing to recognise what is happening at farm level as the rug is being pulled from under farmers.
24 April 2024 Viewpoints
West Cork co-ops on top of 2023 league
Some co-ops will wait until annual general meetings in March and April before they finalise payments on 2023 milk deliveries.
14 February 2024 News