Kerry Group, Lakeland and Glanbia have all decided to hold the June milk price at the same level as May.

This is despite the Ornua PPI increasing last week to reach 36c/l ex VAT.

Base prices, ex VAT, mean Lakeland Dairies stays at 34.1c/l, Glanbia at 33.8c/l and Kerry Group at 33.2c/l.

This means there is now a 1.9c/l difference between Lakeland’s June price and the PPI, a 2.2c/l difference for Glanbia, and a 2.8 c/l difference for Kerry.

Taking the average price difference for the three big players and comparing it to the PPI, the June cheque will be €1,610 less than the equivalent of what Ornua can achieve in the global market.

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Kerry Group announces milk price for June

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