The Dairygold board has increased its quoted milk price for July by 1.9c/l, excluding VAT, while Tirlán has also increased its price by 1.7c/l, excluding VAT, from June.


Dairygold’s base milk price is up to 42.5c/l, excluding VAT, based on standard constituents of 3.3% protein and 3.6% butterfat, inclusive of sustainability and quality bonuses.

A company spokesperson has said that the dairy market returns have improved mainly due to the increases seen in butter prices.

Along with the milk price increase, Dairygold has also announced a feed rebate of €15/t on mainline feed products for four weeks.

“The Dairygold board remain[s] focused on encouraging milk suppliers to maximise their milk production for the remainder of the year,” a spokesperson said.


Tirlán will pay a total of 42.3c/l, excluding VAT, for July creamery milk supplies at 3.6% butterfat and 3.3% protein.

A 0.47c/l, excluding VAT, sustainability action payment will bring the price to 42.8c/l for July.

Tirlán chair John Murphy said that butter, as well as cream prices, were factors in the increase.

“Milk constituent levels have struggled in Europe due to weather and feed issues, which has reduced butterfat availability.

“Global milk supply is forecast to increase in the coming months, but overall supply is likely to be similar to the previous year or only marginally higher.”

Other co-ops

These latest increases come after similar price jumps at Kerry Dairy Ireland and Lakeland Dairies earlier this week.

Kerry Dairy Ireland set its suppliers' July base milk price at 41.98c/l, excluding VAT, which is a 1.43c/l rise on June’s figures at base constituents of 3.3% protein and 3.6% fat.

Meanwhile, Lakeland Dairies’ rate is up 1.7c/l to a base price of 43.2c/l, excluding VAT, including a 0.5c/l sustainability incentive payment.

Read more

Kerry Dairy Ireland latest to announce July milk price rise

Lakeland Dairies lifts July milk price

Dairygold introduces €15/t feed rebate