Potatoes: 09/09/2014

Wholesale ex-farm potato prices reported to the IFA

Low High Average

Rooster 10kg new season €3.20 €4.00 €3.50

Rooster box new season €290 €310 €300

Kerrs Pink 10kg new season €3.70 €4.50 €4.00

British Queens 10kg €2.40 €3.10 €2.70

Comment: Now that the cereal harvest is almost over, growers will turn their attention to the potato crop. As always, quality is paramount and growers should make sure crops are fit for burning off and harvested only when the quality is optimum. The demand for Queens this season has shown how consumers will buy extra when the quality is excellent. Trade continues to be reasonable, although a little subdued due to the Indian summer. Again, growers need to be responsible and patient when selling their crop. Market conditions are stable, so producers need to consider the bigger picture and not become blinkered to short-term gains.