The Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI) has confirmed that Schmallenberg virus (SBV) has now been found in sheep located in all six counties of Northern Ireland.

While the number of cases remains relatively low, and mainly confined to Tyrone (nine cases) and Fermanagh (eight cases), followed by Antrim (five cases), anecdotal evidence from farmers suggests that the problem has been much more widespread in early lambing flocks.

A single shot vaccine administered pre-breeding, and which offers protection for up to six months, is available, manufactured by Zoetis.

Cases of SBV have increased in the Republic of Ireland as well as a farmer based in the Dublin mountains this week reported that up to 12% of her lambs were lost due to the virus.

In total, there were 38 cases of confirmed cases of SBV submitted to regional vet labs up to 18 February, which is more than double the number at the same time last year.

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