With 1,874 sheep on offer, demand was high. Mart manager John Doyle reported a very good trade for all classes of lambs, with a steady trade for ewes. Stable factory prices are increasing buyers’ confidence ringside. A strong trade for lambs saw the majority trade from €94 to €112/head.

The sale was not as big as the previous week as farmers stayed in the fields to get the most from the good weather. However, numbers were still high. Heavy lambs weighing 47kg to 49kg were in high demand from butchers, with prices ranging from €105 to €112/head or between €60 and €66 with their weight.

Factory lambs were a strong trade also, with prices ranging from €94 to €104/head or between €54 and €62 with their weight.

Prices for store lambs were strong on Tuesday according to John, with prices ranging from €76 to €92/head for lambs weighing between 34kg to 36kg.

Cull ewes were in demand with prices of €72 to €96/head reported as prices continue to remain strong. Better fleshed types were also trading well with fat ewes making €100 to €120/head.

While there were small numbers of breeding hoggets on offer, John predicts that a lot will come to the market in the next few weeks as farmers begin to look forward to the breeding season.

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Strong mart trade for Scottish cattle and lambs