Agriculture Minister Andrew Muir has renamed the DAERA Farm Support and Development Programme to a Sustainable Agriculture Programme (SAP) as part of a “reset” of farm support.

Outlining the changes and the raft of initiatives coming forward under the SAP in 2025, DAERA officials briefing journalists on Wednesday said overall policy direction remained the same.

“The objective of all the measures is to retain the same level of output, but try to drive increased productivity and increased environmental sustainability,” confirmed Dr Rosemary Agnew.

In terms of area-based payments, the Basic Payment Scheme is being replaced by a new Farm Sustainability Payment, although 2025 is a transition year and there are no major changes planned around scheme eligibility.

The Beef Carbon Reduction (BCR) scheme is now in its second year, while from 1 April 2025, the new Suckler Cow Scheme will open.

Area payments

To fund these beef schemes and a protein crops payment, 9% was taken off all area payments in 2024. With a new suckler scheme in 2025, this could increase to a maximum of 17%.

“It will be somewhere in that region. It will be communicated before 1 March 2025,” said Agnew.

She confirmed DAERA plans for a payment rate of £100 per calving event in the suckler scheme, but that is subject to relevant legislation being passed at Stormont.

Nature package

Outside of that, other programmes include a new Farming with Nature transition package and a new professional programme for the likes of vets, feed advisors and dairy co-op representatives, which is due to launch tomorrow (Friday).

A series of awareness events for farmers around the new SAP are due to begin on 24 February and will continue into March.