Steady as she goes

A good mix of temperature with some rain seems like the perfect recipe to build yield potential. Most deficiencies were averted by the recent rains but there are still leaf symptoms in some crops.

Winter crops seem to have picked up well in colour, which is probably at least partly influenced by high total N availability – mainly what we applied plus what was surplus to normal in the soil.

Newly emerging leaves are often somewhat paler though, as chlorophyll density can be slow to build when temperatures are low. Crops are mainly short and stiff but they could still stretch a lot.

Winter crops

Winter barley crops are now virtually all at awns visible, with more advanced crops already earing out. Most crops are quite clean in terms of foliar diseases but this could change quickly if they are not protected.

Ears emerging is the timing for the final fungicide on winter barley and this is especially important for ramularia control/prevention.

Final fungicide options on winter barley include Elatus Era, Fandango, Macfare Xpro, Mandarin Xpro, Revystar XL, Variano Xpro and Siltra Xpro, or mixtures containing prothioconazole and an SDHI or strobilurin. All sprays should have folpet (up to 1.5l/ha) added to help against ramularia.

Wheat crops have quickly moved to T2 fungicide timing as flag leaves emerge. If this is less than three weeks from the first fungicide, wait a few days for the flag leaf to flatten out before spraying.

If the interval is three weeks or more, spray once the flag leaf is fully unfolded. You need to put spray right down at the base of the flag leaf because this is where you will most often see septoria take hold.

Change the actives used at T1 and use a strong mix with good longevity. Where an older SDHI mix was used at T1, the T2 treatment might be either Revysol XL or any of the Inatreq co-packs – Questar, Peacoq or Aquino.

All treatments should also include folpet to help protect these new actives. Where either of the newer products (containing Revysol or Inatreq) were used at T1, use the other at T2.

Winter oats might also get a flag leaf spray if sprayed initially a few weeks ago. Crops sprayed more recently will get the second and final fungicide at earing out stage. An application of Ceraide might be considered at flag leaf emerging to give added shortening.

Spring crops

Very early sown crops are at stem extension while most crops are at GS13/15 and tillering. Some crops show yellow blotching following recent spray application but this should go away. Treat fields that have regular trace element problems ahead of symptoms appearing.

Apply herbicide, plus aphicide where appropriate, and fungicide to spring barley crops at GS14/15. Herbicides will tend to be based on SU mixes and include products like Galaxy or Pixxaro or Zypar or fluroxypyr.

Fungicide options include Bontima, Boogie Xpro, Cebara, Coyote, Elatus Era, Mandarin, Priaxor, Siltra, Variano, Velogy, Zephyr, or perhaps just prothioconazole plus folpet.