The Galway Sheep breed has enjoyed a renaissance in the last two years with numbers jumping to over 200 breeders now registered with the sheep breeders association.
There is no doubting the role that the Agri-Climate Rural Environment Scheme (ACRES) has had in reinvigorating demand.
The placing of certain rare breeds as being capable of facilitating priority entry via Tier 1 fueled demand both in 2022 and 2023 with demand greatly outstripping supplies and fueling higher prices.
The Association has been keen to satisfy the needs of a more diverse membership now located all across the country and in 2023 changed their show and sale to a Friday evening.
The Association’s Gerry Daly explains that following the success of last year’s sale the 102nd annual show and sale will also take place on a Friday evening and will be held on Friday 13 September 2024 in Athenry Mart, Co Galway.
Sheep must be penned by 3pm while judging will start at 4pm and the sale at 6pm. Any sheep sold on the day must be entered in the Flock Book with Sheep Ireland as part of the Association’s rules.
New departure
Gerry said “Last year marked a significant new departure for the Association, but the Galway Breed is Ireland’s only E.U. recognised native sheep breed and have survived the many changes in sheep farming practices in this country over the past century.
The Breed can trace its origins back to the Age of Improvement in Irish Agriculture (circa 1750 -1815) when Leicester type rams were introduced to enhance the native sheep."
Sales schedule
Two classes will be held for male sheep, a hogget ram and ram lamb class. The Association is also introducing a novice class in 2024 for ram lambs for breeders who have become members of the association in the last five years.
All rams must be genotyped and parentage of sire and dam must be verified.

Rams will be judged in the traditional manner with a new class added in 2024 for novice breeders. / David Ruffles
There will be three female classes - breeding ewes, ewe hoggets and ewe lambs.
“In the female section a breeder must present five sheep in order to be considered for the show but may offer a pair or a single sheep for sale subject to the overall limit of seven sheep per breeder. Pairs and individual lots will facilitate new breeders and small flocks in particular as well as buyers.

Female sheep can be sold in a batch of five or a single / pair. / David Ruffles
"This year the wool classes have a particular significance due to the renewed interest in Galway wool thanks to the trojan work of the Galway Wool Co-op."
Female sheep will be judged in pens and males will be shown in the traditional manner of the breed. The sale will take place in the mart with bidding possible via the Marteye online sales platform.
Huge success
Gerry added “the sales of 2022 and 2023 were the most successful ones in the past 50 years and this year has already seen an unprecedented number of enquiries from around the country.
"There is a strong entry of female sheep and most of the rams entered are eligible for the SIS scheme. As Ireland’s only native breed, the sheep are eligible for payments under the ACRES scheme subject to the usual conditions."
Enquiries to Gerry 086-8837056 or Gerry 085-2090052
The Galway Sheep breed has enjoyed a renaissance in the last two years with numbers jumping to over 200 breeders now registered with the sheep breeders association.
There is no doubting the role that the Agri-Climate Rural Environment Scheme (ACRES) has had in reinvigorating demand.
The placing of certain rare breeds as being capable of facilitating priority entry via Tier 1 fueled demand both in 2022 and 2023 with demand greatly outstripping supplies and fueling higher prices.
The Association has been keen to satisfy the needs of a more diverse membership now located all across the country and in 2023 changed their show and sale to a Friday evening.
The Association’s Gerry Daly explains that following the success of last year’s sale the 102nd annual show and sale will also take place on a Friday evening and will be held on Friday 13 September 2024 in Athenry Mart, Co Galway.
Sheep must be penned by 3pm while judging will start at 4pm and the sale at 6pm. Any sheep sold on the day must be entered in the Flock Book with Sheep Ireland as part of the Association’s rules.
New departure
Gerry said “Last year marked a significant new departure for the Association, but the Galway Breed is Ireland’s only E.U. recognised native sheep breed and have survived the many changes in sheep farming practices in this country over the past century.
The Breed can trace its origins back to the Age of Improvement in Irish Agriculture (circa 1750 -1815) when Leicester type rams were introduced to enhance the native sheep."
Sales schedule
Two classes will be held for male sheep, a hogget ram and ram lamb class. The Association is also introducing a novice class in 2024 for ram lambs for breeders who have become members of the association in the last five years.
All rams must be genotyped and parentage of sire and dam must be verified.

Rams will be judged in the traditional manner with a new class added in 2024 for novice breeders. / David Ruffles
There will be three female classes - breeding ewes, ewe hoggets and ewe lambs.
“In the female section a breeder must present five sheep in order to be considered for the show but may offer a pair or a single sheep for sale subject to the overall limit of seven sheep per breeder. Pairs and individual lots will facilitate new breeders and small flocks in particular as well as buyers.

Female sheep can be sold in a batch of five or a single / pair. / David Ruffles
"This year the wool classes have a particular significance due to the renewed interest in Galway wool thanks to the trojan work of the Galway Wool Co-op."
Female sheep will be judged in pens and males will be shown in the traditional manner of the breed. The sale will take place in the mart with bidding possible via the Marteye online sales platform.
Huge success
Gerry added “the sales of 2022 and 2023 were the most successful ones in the past 50 years and this year has already seen an unprecedented number of enquiries from around the country.
"There is a strong entry of female sheep and most of the rams entered are eligible for the SIS scheme. As Ireland’s only native breed, the sheep are eligible for payments under the ACRES scheme subject to the usual conditions."
Enquiries to Gerry 086-8837056 or Gerry 085-2090052