The sale catalogue for the Brockagh Perth Blackfaced Sheep Breeders Association sale is now live on the Sheep Ireland website.
The sale, which takes place in Brockagh Clogan Mart, Co Donegal, on Wednesday 11 October at 6pm has almost 150 rams entered.
Prospective buyers sourcing rams to satisfy the genotyped ram action in the Sheep Improvement Scheme (SIS) will have plenty of choice, with 85 rams - or 57% of the sale entry - eligible.
Sale entry
Ram lambs make up the majority of the sale entry, with 120 entered, of which 66 are SIS eligible. There is also in the region of 25 hogget rams, with 15 of these SIS eligible, while there is also a small entry of 15 aged rams, with three of these SIS eligible.
The association was formed in 2014 and each year holds an annual ram and replacement ewe sale.
This week's ram sale will also be available on the LSL online sales platform and those planning on doing business online are advised to seek bidding permission in advance of the sale.