Northern Ireland
NI milk league: Milk prices slowly edging upwards
Kieran Mailey
Higher base prices has seen monthly and rolling 12 month average milk prices slowly edging upwards in Northern Ireland.
24 July 2024 Markets
Beef trade in the balance
Adam Woods has the latest on this week’s beef trade, including the latest quotes for factory finished cattle
8 July 2024 Markets
Sheep price update: another 20c/kg cut to lamb prices
Base prices for Tuesday have fallen to €7.30/kg, with top prices reported in the region of €7.50/kg to €7.70/kg.
Sheep Trends: lamb quotes suffer another 50c/kg cut
Factories started the week dropping quotes by 20c/kg and have followed this up with a 30c/kg cut to base quotes for Thursday’s kill.
3 July 2024 Markets
NI Trends: beef prices steady for in-spec cattle; lamb trade recovers in marts
There is a steady outlook within the NI beef trade, with no movement on price. Lambs are an improved trade, with mart prices rebounding from last week.
26 June 2024 Markets
Base milk prices increased by some co-ops
Many processors have moved to announced their milk prices in the past week.
19 June 2024 News
NI Trends: prime cattle steady but cows on the up
Prices for prime cattle are steady in Northern Ireland, although there is more life in the cow trade.
19 June 2024 Markets
Tirlán remains out in front on NI milk price
Several milk processors in NI have opted to increase base prices for milk supplied in May.
19 June 2024 Northern Ireland
NI Trends: factories look to tighten grip on beef trade; lamb trade eases
There have been moves by processors in Northern Ireland to ease prices on factory-fit cattle and lambs.
29 May 2024 Markets
NI factories exert price pressure on beef and lamb
Beef and lamb processors in NI are trying to pull prices this week with varying degrees of success
29 May 2024 Northern Ireland
NI Trends: prime cattle quotes increase to 468p/kg; lamb prices rebound
There are positive price trends for finished cattle and sheep in Northern Ireland this week, with quotes rising and deals on offer.
15 May 2024 Markets
Milk processors opt for April price freeze
There are no changes to base milk prices in Northern Ireland for April supplies.
15 May 2024 Northern Ireland