Top methods to dry straw this harvest
Peter Thomas Keaveney
In some areas, straw is sitting on the ground awaiting dry weather, which does appear to be on the horizon. Peter Thomas Keaveney looks at four methods farmers are using to dry straw.
7 August 2024 Buildings
Calculating straw requirements this winter
With straw supplies set to be tight this year, Martin Merrick calculates how much straw you will likely require and how best to save on straw usage.
2 August 2024 News
Teagasc encourages farmers to review fodder requirements
Weather conditions so far in 2024 have seen grass growth levels well below normal, which has resulted in fodder stocks being behind target on some farms.
Farmers must bale as much straw as possible – minister
I think we will see a strong straw market this year, Minister for Agriculture Charlie McConalogue has said.
31 July 2024 News
SIM applicants finally accepted into scheme
Farmers who applied for the Straw Incorporation Measure in May have belatedly been notified of their acceptance into the scheme.
30 July 2024 News
Farmer Views: 'there's a future in beef if costs stay down'
Grace Hoare interviewed farmers about their outlook on the future of drystock farming and discussed any concerns they have regarding the industry.
24 July 2024 News
Country is looking at a bedding shortage - INHFA
It needs to be recognised that the country is looking at a shortage of bedding and feed next winter, INHFA president says.
24 July 2024 News
INHFA doubles down on support for straw-chopping suspension
INHFA president Vincent Roddy said the decision to suspend the scheme had to be viewed in light of the need to ensure adequate bedding and feed supplies next spring.
21 July 2024 News
Opinion: bless me fodder, for I have sinned - minister needs to reverse on SIM
The almost universal opposition to Minister McConalogue's decision to withdraw the Straw Incorporation Measure is the clearest sign he has got this one wrong.
20 July 2024 Opinion
Scheme for imported straw for winter needed - Lombard
Senator Tim Lombard said Minister for Agriculture Charlie McConalogue needs to act now on a fodder subsidy scheme to allow for straw to be imported.
16 July 2024 News
Inability to control weeds a major concern to going organic - INHFA
Increased costs of meal and fodder, reduced output and unsuitable land type also considerations, new survey shows.
10 June 2024 News
Slatted floors for sheep and calves: the pros and cons
With the recent straw shortages and another mediocre harvest on the cards, Martin Merrick analyses what merits there are in having slatted flooring vs. straw bedded for drystock.
10 April 2024 Buildings